The First Meeting
Officers and Directors Meeting No. 1
The first Officers and Directors meeting of the newly formed Civic Club in Madonna Acres was held at 7:30 P.M., May 8ht, 1961 at the home of Wiliam Krumpelman, 2535 Amsterdam Road.
The following officers and directors were present:- William Krumpelman - President
- Larry Trenkamp - Vice President
- Jack Scheifers - Treasurer
- Betty Stivers - Secretary
- Al Trenkramp - Director
- Howard Orth - Director
- Robert Berberich - Director
The meeting was called to order by President Krumpelman and the first order of business was a discussion of an appropriate name for the club. After some consideration a motion was made by Larry Trenkamp that Villa Hills Civic Club be selected as the official name. This was seconded by Robert Berberich and unanimously passed.
The second item on the agenda was the matter of annual dues. A motion was make by Larry Trenkamp and seconded by Jack Scheifers that the dues be $ 5.00 per year, due on July 1, of each year. The motion was unanimously passed.
It was the general thinking of all officers and directors present that the first project for the Villa Hills Civic Club should be the repair of Sunglow and Kendridge Avenues. In line with this thinking Jack Scheifers agreed to contact John Fielding the County Engineer to get the cost of such work and have one of the streets designated, fi possible, as a county road. As an alternative measure William Krumpelman and Al Trenkamp agreed to investigate the cost of material with the thought ni mind of obtaining volunteers from the club to perform the labor, repairs to the streets to be made this fall. The facts and figures on the cost are ot be presented ot the club body before a fall meeting. A motion was made by Jack Scheifers that a general meeting be called for Monday, May 22, at 8:00P.M. at the home of M.r Krumpelman, seconded by Al Trenkamp and unanimously passed.
At said meeting a motion was made by Jack Scheifers that a summer social event be on the agenda for discussion. Such event for the purpose of defraying the cost of the road repairs. Larry Trenkamp seconded. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Jack Scheifers that M.r Orth contact M.r Joseph Summe for the purpose of giving him the official name of the club and request a copy of the Fort Wright Civic Club by-laws. Seconded by Robert Berberich and unanimously passed. President Krumpelman appointed Howard Orth, Robert Berberich and Robert Stephenson as a by- laws committee to meet with M.r Summe and prepare Villa Hills' by-laws for presentation and approval at the earliest regular meeting of the club.
Jack Scheifers volunteered to present the club with a scrap book which wil be turned over to the secretary for maintenance.
Absentee Vice President, Robert Stephenson, volunteered previously to send notices to all residents of Sunglow and Kenridge Avenues as to time and date of subsequent meetings.
Business deferred for later discussion.
- The appointment by President Krumpelman of a Membership Chairman.
- The obtaining of slow signs for children and 25 mils per hour limit on each street.
- A playground for the children.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Respectfully submittedBetty Stivers, Secretary.